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Social Sciences incorporating ICS

Maths Higher

Campus Sighthill Campus

Qualification SCQF Level 6

Study mode Evening

Start date Aug 2024

Cost £357
(see funding options)

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Course overview

Mathematics is rich and stimulating, engaging and fascinating for people of all ages, interests and abilities. Learning maths develops logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, creativity and the ability to think in abstract ways. It uses a universal language of numbers and symbols, which allows us to communicate ideas concisely and rigorously. You can study this course at the Sighthill campus in the evening.

National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications, accredited by the SQA, act as pathways to further study including university entry. Edinburgh College offers a selection of subjects at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher levels part-time. You may choose to study up to two subjects.

For classes taking place during the day you come to college twice a week for a two-hour class. For evening classes you will attend college once a week for a 3-hour class.

Course Fees: £400 per subject. Fees will be confirmed when an application has been processed.

What you will learn

  • Maths: Expressions and Functions - You will learn to use mathematical operational skills linked to expressions and functions as well as how to use mathematical reasoning skills linked to expressions and functions
  • Maths: Relationships and Calculus - You will learn how to use mathematical operational skills linked to relationships and calculus as well as how to use mathematical reasoning skills linked to relationships and calculus
  • Maths: Applications - You will learn how to use and apply mathematical operational skills linked to different applications as well as how to use mathematical reasoning skills linked to applications.

How the course is assessed

  • The course is assessed by an examination that will require you to draw on and apply the skills and knowledge you have acquired from across the units in the course, sometimes in integrated ways.
  • Skills in using a calculator will be developed, and a calculator will be permitted in part of the examination.


    Number of days per week

    • Tuesday evening (3 hours) per week at Sighthill

    Entry requirements

    • National 5/Intermediate 2 Maths at grade A/B (or equivalent)
    • National 5/Intermediate 2 English at grade A/B (or equivalent)
    • Applicants must demonstrate the ability to work at an appropriate level by having already achieved a pass at A or B in the level below which they are applying.

    The above represents the minimum entry requirements.

    These courses are challenging and require the ability to study independently. Applicants should identify clearly the reason for studying their chosen subject in their course application higher.

    • (SCQF 6) subjects - A or B pass at National 5 or A or B at Intermediate 2 in the subject.
    • Advanced Higher (SCQF 7) subjects - A or B pass at Higher

    For entry into social science subjects such as Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, History and Politics previous study of the subject is not required. However, National 5 English is required plus another social subject at SCQF level 5.

    • National 5 (SCQF 5) subjects - pass at National 4 (with added value unit), Intermediate 1 at A or B, or Standard Grade 3 or 4 in the subject.

    Information on Tests / Auditions / Interview Requirements

    • If your qualifications were gained more than 5 years ago then you may be invited to sit a diagnostic test to assess your knowledge and suitability for the course.

    English Proficiency Requirements

    IELTS 6.0

    Career options

    • The course has obvious relevance for candidates with interests in fields such as commerce, engineering and science where the maths learned will be put to direct use. it can also be used to gain entry to a Higher Education institution in conjunction with other relevant qualifications.

    Study Options

    Campus Study mode Start date Cost
    Sighthill Campus Evening 27/08/24 £357

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