Headshot of Keanna Mair
03 June 2020

Keanna Named Student of the Year for Travel and Tourism

Eighteen-year-old Keanna Mair decided to come to Edinburgh College to further her education after seeing the range of courses on offer, and the appeal of studying in her home town helped to seal the deal.

Keanna recently finished her first year within Travel and Tourism, completing her NC Level 6 Travel and Tourism course and being named Student of the Year for the department.

Keanna told us how she feels about receiving the award, and about her College experience to date.

“I was pleasantly surprised at being recognised at Prize Giving to begin with, but it has made me feel confident in myself. 

I have really enjoyed having a relaxed learning environment, where I have been studying a subject topic I really enjoy and meeting new people.

I’d say to anyone thinking about coming to College, don’t be put off by not knowing anyone in your course. If you are lucky like me you will find some great friends whilst attending College.

Looking ahead, I am going on the study again in Travel and Tourism next term, at a higher level then I hope to eventually get a job in the same sector.

So far, I’m really proud that I have stepped out of my comfort zone and have had the confidence to join a college where I didn’t know anyone.”

Keanna described her Edinburgh College experience as: “Exciting, memorable, and intriguing.”

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