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19 June 2023

Prize Giving 2023: Preparation for Careers in Health and Social Care student Jane Lowe recognised for her hard work and dedication


41-year-old Jane Lowe from Edinburgh has been awarded the Preparation for Careers in Health and Social Care Award at this year’s Prize Giving, in recognition of all of her hard work throughout the year.

So, we caught up with Jane to find out a bit about her College experience.

How do you feel about being recognised at Prize Giving?

I feel very honoured.

What were you doing before starting at the college?

I was a full-time mum to three boys.

What has been the best thing so far about studying at Edinburgh College? Any highlights?

Never given up on my dream.  Lots off highlights and meeting lovely people in my class and fantastic lectures.

If you could give one piece of advice to a student starting at the college now, what would it be?

Go get that education you deserve.

What are your plans for the future? Are you going on to further study after college or into employment? What is your end goal?

Continue college into social services. My end goal is to be a social worker.

Do you have any messages for the lecturers?

Thank you for helping me learn how to use a computer.  Also believing in me. Could not have done this without them.

What are you most proud of that you have achieved while studying at Edinburgh College?

Finding out I have won this award.

Describe your Edinburgh College experience in three words.

Exciting, rewarding and helpful.