ECSA Go Green
27 March 2020

ECSA Is Awarded New Funding to Help Respond to the Climate Emergency

Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA) has been awarded over £190,000 as part of the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund (CCF), allowing it to respond to the Climate Emergency.

The funding will lead to the creation of a new climate change project, building on a previous project, which will run through to 2022.

The new project will offer free support to help Edinburgh College students to travel more sustainably, and to reduce their food and textile waste.

Activities will include cycle training and bike maintenance workshops, continuing the current Liftshare scheme, introducing a Community Fridge at each campus, and running swap-shop events.

In addition, the team will work to increase understanding of climate change among our student community by running workshops during class time and providing opportunities to develop sustainability skills through extracurricular and voluntary activities.

Principal Audrey Cumberford said: “I’m delighted that our Students’ Association have been allocated this funding to allow them to continue carrying out their fantastic work in Sustainability. Our students are hugely passionate about the increasing climate challenges facing us all. 

“The team has already achieved so much, inspiring many students and staff to factor climate change into their daily lives, ensuring that we all contribute to a greener society.

“We all look forward to the next project getting underway and seeing the College community come together raise awareness of climate change and take action to protect our planet.”

In April 2018, ECSA became the first college student association to be awarded CCF funding which led to the current Go Green low-carbon travel project. That project is now close to completion and has achieved astounding results.

The Go Green team has engaged with more than 1200 students and achieved its carbon-reduction targets more than twice over.

The new project will continue some of the strands of our original work, as well as expanding into new areas of waste reduction. If you would like to hear more about plans for the next project, contact the team by email