We’re #ProudToBeEC and So Are You!
It’s been four weeks since we launched our #ProudToBeEC campaign, and to say we’ve been overwhelmed by the response would be an understatement.
Of course, we’ve always been proud of our students and staff for their hard work, creativity, enthusiasm and determination to reach their goals.
During lockdown, we’ve been bursting with even more pride at how our community has adapted to new ways of learning and working, and how we’ve pulled together to support others during these unprecedented times.
Check out what some of our amazing students and staff have been up to, making us even more #ProudToBeEC!
Lecturer Polly Phillips and students from her Preparation for Employment course have worked with Edinburgh’s Capital City Choir to create this video to remind anyone who’s struggling with poor mental health during lockdown that they are not alone, and to thank our NHS and key workers. This warmed our hearts hugely.
Our Professional Cookery and Hospitality team are working alongside Empty Kitchens Full Hearts to prepare and deliver meals to vulnerable people across the capital.
College Helps to Feed Vulnerable People During COVID-19 LockdownOur Performing Arts students sent a lovely message to their counterparts in Romania, whom they were due to be visiting. We’ve loved seeing our students continue to connect while campuses have been closed.
BSL Lecturer Alan Sanders explained how he’s continuing to run his classes on Zoom and has been getting some very positive feedback from students. Read the full story and feedback from students.
Beauty Therapy student Tamsin McGlone has been inspirational. Tamsin has been working in the community to help others who can’t leave their homes during lockdown. More than that, Tamsin has been honoured to have been asked to play her Harp as part of a Grenfell Memorial in June. Well done Tamsin, this is a wonderful thing to do.
Performing Arts lecturer Liz McCafferty has been making scrubs with charitable group For the Love of Scrubs Scotland which are being donated to the NHS.
Our International team have been sharing what’s keeping them in positive spirits during lockdown.
Legal Studies lecturer Sarah Lynch shared the amazing news that one of her classes had achieved a 94% pass rate in their Graded Units. Top work everyone!
Our ACE team has kept regular contact with partner organisations – Fisherrow, Port Seaton and Garvald to support their initiatives to keep service users engaged. Each organisation has been leased to have regular provision of resources and activities to pass onto service users/parents/carers. The resources provided have included activity workbooks, practical activities, literacy and numeracy games and links to interactive websites.
Performing Arts lecturer Anya Glinski has been walking lots of dogs for elderly neighbours as well as making masks for her community in some very glitzy fabrics!
Staff and students have also been creating and donating PPE for the NHS and the local community, as well as working to make sure those who can’t get to shops receive food supplies.