16 June 2022

#ECPrizeGiving – Faoziyah sets her sights on path to success

Computing student Faoziyah Bankole is happy that her hard work has paid off as she sets her sights on continuing on her path to success, after being awarded the NPA Software Development and Web Award at the College’s annual Prize Giving.

We spoke to the thirty-seven-year-old student from Nigeria to find out more about her experience at College and what the future holds once she has finished her studies: 

How do you feel about being recognised at Prize Giving? 

I am extremely surprised and elated to have been recognised as one of the awardees. I am very glad that my hard work and determination has finally paid off. 

What made you choose Edinburgh College for your studies?

I wanted to do a web development course and after doing some research online I settled for Edinburgh College which is one of the best options to advance my aspiration.                

What were you doing before starting at the college? 

I was a full-time mum of five.

What has been the best thing so far about studying at Edinburgh College? Any highlights? 

The best thing is that I was able to discover more about myself in terms of talents. I also made new friends. The lecturers were fascinating in their teaching and enormously helpful.

Have you faced any challenges, either before starting or during your studies? How did you overcome them? This could involve studying from home during the pandemic. 

The main challenges are having to do lots of tasks, caring for the kids, performing other house chores. Most of the time, I must do my assignments and reading when the children are asleep. I was absolutely determined to complete the course. I reduced the amount of time I spent on social media and TV, and I prioritised the school activities.

It was also very challenging to have lost my dad during the course. I felt devastated and had a little motivation at the time. However, I had to pick myself up and stay motivated with help received from my husband and family. I also got support from Christine (Aditi) in terms of encouragement and advice.

If you could give one piece of advice to a student starting at the college now, what would it be?

My advice to anyone that is starting at the college is to remain focused, motivated and dedicated throughout the course as their efforts would never go in vain.

What are your plans for the future? Are you going on to further study after college or into employment? What is your end goal? 

I have a plan to go further as I see this as a step towards a greater achievement. My goal is to become a full stack developer.

Do you have any messages for the lecturers? 

Thanks to all my lecturers for the invaluable knowledge imparted and for always being very helpful.  You all did a good job.

Looking back, is there anything you would do differently? 

I wish I had done the course earlier as the course was really fascinating. 

What are you most proud of that you have achieved while studying at Edinburgh College? 

I am proud to have learnt more about front end development and content creation.

Describe your Edinburgh College experience in three words. 

Dedication pays off.

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